Model A & B

Ford Garage

5-Z-1833 & 5-Z-2065 Pinion Nut Wrenches

Pictured above are the original Model A Ford script service tools used by dealers to remove and install the large lock nuts which retain the rear axle pinion gear bearings in the rear differential housing race.

Wrench Size
Pinion Nut Size
5Z-1833 2-1/16 2 Early 1928 drive shaft mounted pinion nuts
5Z-2065 2-3/16 2-1/8 1929-32 pinion gear mounted pinion nuts

The upper wrench is Ford service tool number 5-Z-1833, and is used for the 1928 pinion bearing nuts which were threaded directly onto the drive shaft, not onto the pinion gear.

The lower wrench is Ford service tool number 5-Z-2065, and is used for the larger 1929-32 pinion bearing nuts which were threaded onto the pinion gear itself.

These are forged steel tools, many of which were originally cadmium plated.

More related information on Ford Garage:

  1. For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page.
  2. Model A Ford 5-Z Special Service Tools List
  3. Model A Original 5-Z- Gas Gauge Nut Tools
  4. Model A & B Original 5-Z-1832 Cam Gear Wrench
  5. Model A & B Original 5-Z-1900 Ratchet Bolt Wrench
  6. Model T Ford 5-Z Special Service Tools List
  7. Model A & B Rear Axle Gear Ratios
  8. Model A & B Drive Shaft Differences
  9. Model B Drive Shaft Removal Methods
  10. Model A & B Pinion Gear Race Removal Methods

July 2012