
Model B & Model 46

Model A Ford Garage

Water Pump Housings

The NOS B-8510 water pump housing shown above was used on 1932 Model B Ford vehicles which had the radiator core oriented straight upright. 1933 Model 40/46 vehicles had the radiator core tipped back on an angle.

The Model B water pump is longer than the similar 1933-34 Model 40 and Model 46 water pump assembly 46-8505 shown below.

The Model 46 water pump was used on 4-cylinder cars and commercial vehicles which had the radiator core laid back at an angle. The Model 40/46 water pump housing and shaft was similar to the Model B, but much shorter. The two grease fittings very nearly touch each other on those water pumps.

More related information on Ford Garage:

  1. For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page.
  2. Model A & Model B Water Pump Shafts and Fan Hubs
  3. Model B NOS Original Water Pump Impeller and Shaft
  4. Model A NOS Original Water Pump Shaft
  5. Model A Reproduction Two-Piece Water Pump Shaft
  6. Model A & Model B Two-Blade Propellor Radiator Cooling Fans
  7. Model 40 & Model 46 Four-Blade Radiator Cooling Fans
  8. Model 40 & Model 46 Four Cylinder Radiator
  9. Model A Cragar Overhead Valve Head Water Pump

September 2009