The following pics show two styles of the 1933 and 1934 Ford Model 46 four cylinder engine cooling fan.
This fan is Ford part number 46-8600, and is the factory original fan for 1933 and 1934. It replaced the earlier two bladed propeller fans used on Model A's and B's.
The Model A fan was very prone to cracking and was replaced with an improved construction Model B style. In 1933 the four blade fan was introduced on the four cylinder and this fan became the Service replacement for Model A and B.
The first three pics are of an NOS fan of the typical style. The second set of three pics is of another more uncommon version, also NOS.
This shows the typical 46-8600 fan. Note the 8 rivets and the two sizes of rivet heads. The larger head rivets attach the two blades together. The smaller head rivets secure the blades to the hub.
Back side view. This fan is all steel construction, with a machined steel hub, stamped steel blades riveted to the hub, and stamped steel pulley construction spot welded and riveted.
The pic above shows inner hub detail showing the formation of the pulley. Contrast this pic with the one of the second variety fan below.
The pic above is a more unusual version. This one has eight small head rivets and a different construction of the pulley formed by the stampings.
Back side view. This fan is also all steel construction, with a machined steel hub, stamped steel blades riveted to the hub, and stamped steel pulley construction spot welded and riveted.
The pic above shows inner hub detail showing the formation of the pulley. Contrast this pic with the third pic of the first variety fan.