Detailed below are the varieties of the 1928 to 1931 Model A Instruction Book issued in the US.
Distinctions between books include copyright dates, as well as differences in the illustrations over time to reflect changes and improvements in the vehicles.
Some of the more prominent differences used for identification are listed in the chart below.
Differences in the inside hand brake handle include the left hand cowl-mounted squeeze or pistol grip style hand brake lever, the center mounted squeeze grip style hand brake lever, the center mounted push button style hand brake lever, and the right hand mounted push button style hand brake lever.
Differences in the shift lever ball include the mushroom-shaped gear shift lever ball and the later round (Tootsie Pops) shaped shift lever ball.
Differences in the flywheel and clutch include the multi disc clutch and the later single plate clutch.
Differences in the generator include the powerhouse generator (and adjusting arm), and the later 'Long' style generator.
Differences in the brake system include the single rear brake system and the later separate parking brake system.
Differences in the fuel system include the firewall mounted sediment bulb and the later carburetor mounted sediment bulb.