
Ford-Köln Model A, B, & G28T

Ford Garage

Engine Serial Numbers (VIN Number)

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This page details engine serial number location, dates, and identification for Ford-Köln Model A, B, and G28T type engines built at Köln, Germany from the 1930's through 1950's.

These engines carried serial number prefixes A, AA, B, BB, and G28T, among others. Ford-Köln primarily used serial numbers assigned from groups of numbers granted by the Rouge from within the larger sequence of Rouge numbers.

Some post-war non-vehicle G28T engines had engine serial numbers from other than the Rouge number series. This included some industrial and agricultural use engines.

The engine number was assigned to completed engines after they had passed the electric motor-driven engine run-in (run-off) tests and were released for vehicle final assembly. The engine number then became the serial number for the completed vehicle after final (vehicle) assembly.

Model A, B, & G28T Engine Serial Number Location

Model A, B, & G28T engine serial numbers were hand-stamped on the left hand side of the engine block, above the water inlet as shown above. There were variations in the spacing, position, orientation, and sharpness of individual numerals due to the manual alignment and stamping operation.

German (Köln-built) Model A, B, & G28T Engines (Rouge number series)

The table below indicates series or groups, of numbers which are known to have been transferred by the Rouge to Ford's engine production facilities at Köln.

Those numbers were reserved by the Rouge for Köln's local production use and assignment on both engines and vehicles they produced throughout the 1930's to 1950's, continuing well after US Model B regular vehicle production had ended.

The Model B and BB engine serial number is separate from the prefix letter(s). The serial number is unique and is not directly correlated to the prefix letter(s). The prefix is preceded by a ☆, and the serial number is followed by a closing ☆ character.

The G28T engine serial number is separate from the prefix. The serial number is unique and is not directly correlated to the prefix letter(s). The prefix is ☆28☆, for example, and the serial number is followed by a closing ☆ character.

Ford-Köln (Rouge Series) Model A, B, and G28T Ford Engine Serial Numbers
Production Timeline Legend
White shading indicates production records data from Ford-Köln publications.
Green shading indicates a production milestone or unique vehicle data point.
Model A
Date Ford-Köln Model Notes
A / AF / AA
Imported range
1370 2750600 1928-1929 Model A Personenwagen
A-PKW 13/40 PS, 3285cc large bore

Model AF Personenwagen
AF-PKW 8/28 PS, 2023cc small bore

Model AA Lastwagen
AA-LKW 13/40 PS, 3285cc large bore
with truck clutch
A / AF / AA
Imported range
2750601 4860000 1930-1931 Model A Personenwagen
A-PKW 13/40 PS, 3285cc large bore

Model AF Personenwagen
AF-PKW 8/28 PS, 2023cc small bore

Model AA Lastwagen
AA-LKW 13/40 PS, 3285cc large bore
with truck clutch
A / AF / AA
Model A Personenwagen
A-PKW 13/40 PS, 3285cc large bore

Model AF Personenwagen
AF-PKW 8/28 PS, 2023cc small bore

Model AA Lastwagen
AA-LKW 13/40 PS, 3285cc large bore
with truck clutch
Model B / G28T
Date Ford-Köln Model Notes
B / BF / BB 5023663 5221560 1932-1933 Model B Personenwagen
B-PKW 13/50 PS, 3285cc large bore

Model BF Personenwagen
BF-PKW 8/40 PS, 2023cc small bore

Model BB Lastwagen
BB-LKW 13/50 PS, 3285cc large bore
with truck clutch
with 3/4 floating rear axle
Updraft intake and Zenith carburetor
☆B5080219☆ Engine number is applied to an original
1932 Model B Kabriolett
Registration Number 562362 in Germany in 1936
B 5221588 5323700 1933-1934 "Rheinland" Personenwagen
40/4-PKW 13/50 PS, 3285cc
Updraft intake and Zenith carburetor initially
BB 5315001 5330721 1934-1937 "BB Lastwagen"
BB-LKW 13/50 PS, 3285cc
157" WB with Model BB full floating rear axle
BB 5330722 5370849 1937-1939 "BB Lastwagen"
BB-LKW 13/50 PS, 3285cc
158" WB with Model 51 full floating rear axle
Updraft intake and Solex 30 BFL carburetor
BB, G987T (?) 5369047
1939-1941 Model G987T "Nutzkraftwagen"
LKW 50 PS, 3285cc
157" WB with Model BB full floating rear axle
Updraft intake and Solex 30 BFL carburetor
28 5409151 5423800 1942-1943
Model G188T "B 3000"
LKW 52 PS, 3285cc
158" WB with Model 51 full floating rear axle
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BJ carburetor
☆ ☆5415268☆ Oil pressure relief spring added to oil pump from this date.
Technische Änderungen der Ford-Lastwagen, March 23, 1943
G38T (?) 1943-1945? Model G38T Spezial
LKW 52 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BJ carburetor
G388T (?) 1943-1945? Model G388T
LKW 57 PS, 3285cc
158" WB
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BI carburetor
☆ ☆5430066☆ Aluminum oil pan with integral rear main
bearing sealing introduced in 1943 after initial G28T.
☆28☆54154xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Norway with G38T head (from Model G188T "B 3000" truck)
1943-58 Standard Production 4.6:1 head w/ 14mm spark plugs,
Ford script and "EB" logo below serial number pad
☆28R15278xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in United Kingdom (Roy Underhill),
Ford script and "EB" logo below serial number pad
☆28☆54239xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Germany (Peter Kettenmann)
15G43 block casting code, July 15, 1943
☆28☆54249xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Norway (Øystein Rønning),
Ford script and "EB" logo below serial number pad,
Rectangular machined cast pad below valve cover,
28C44 block casting code, March 28, 1944
☆28R☆54278xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in The Netherlands (Hennie), and with a 2-bolt Bosch starter motor
23G43 head casting code, July 23, 1943
Post-War G28T Production
G28T / G38T / G388T
Date Ford-Köln Model Notes
G38T 1948-1950 Model G38T Spezial "Schnell-Lastwagen"
LKW 52 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BI carburetor
G388T 1948-1950 Model G388T "Ruhr"
LKW 57 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BIP carburetor
G38T 1951-1952 Model G38T "1,5-2 Tonner BB Spezial Lastwagen"
LKW 52 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BI carburetor
G388T 1951-1952 Model G388T "3 Tonner BB Lastwagen"
LKW 57 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 PBIC carburetor
G38T 1953-1954 Model G38T Spezial "FK 2000"
("1,5-2,0 to Spezial Lieferwagen")
LKW 52 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 BI carburetor
G388T 1953-1955 Model G388T "FK 3000 BB"
LKW 57 PS, 3285cc
Downdraft intake and Solex 32 PBIC carburetor
☆308xxx☆ ☆308xxx☆ 1948-1954 Claas Mähdrescher "Super"
LKW 57 PS, 3285cc
28☆3045xx Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Denmark (Stefan Kappel)
Ford script below serial number pad
13F51 block casting code, June 13, 1951
G28T engine block in Sweden (Christian Möller)
Köln-Niehl shield logo below serial number pad,
Rectangular machined cast pad below valve cover,
22B52 block casting code, February 22, 1952
☆G388T☆5436572☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Pennsylvania (Ora Landis)
16G52 block casting code, July 16, 1952
☆28☆306xxx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in France (Pierre Aupetit)
17L52 block casting code, November 17, 1952
☆3078xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Denmark (Povl von Lillienskjold)
22D53 block casting code, April 22, 1953
☆3084xx☆ Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in New Zealand (Frank Forlong)
☆ ☆5456549☆ ? Factory stamped number on a G28T engine block
in Germany (Peter Kettenmann)
7M53 block casting code, December 7, 1953
Factory stamped numbers on G28T engine blocks
in New Zealand (Derek Thomason)
Ford-Köln interlocking F-K logo below serial number pad on some blocks

Model B & G28T Engine Serial Numbers

German 1936-41 Model B Engine Serial Number Location

German Model B series engines from 1936-41 used a slightly improved version (ignition and carburetion) of the original 1932 Model B engine, prior to the implementation of the yet further-improved 1942 G28T 'B' engine having insert bearings and pressure oiling, and downdraft carburetion.

The left hand side of the Model B engine block casting often had the Ford script, as well as the "EB" logo mark of Eisenwerk Brühl, the German foundry that produced the block casting for Ford-Köln. The pic below was supplied by Wilhelm Andersen of Norway.

I am seeking further information and photos about these German 1936-41 series engines, their improvements, and their prefix(s), serial numbers, and format.

German G28T Engine Serial Number Location

1942 and newer German G28T (improved Model B) engines were used in Ford Ruhr, B3000, and FK Series trucks (and Claas Mähdrescher combines) through the mid 1950's. The G28T had insert bearings and pressure oiling.

The G28T carried the engine serial number stamped on the pad above the water inlet on the left hand side of the block, the same location as all the earlier Model B's.

In addition, the left hand side of the engine block casting had the Ford part number G28T-6015 and a date code cast-in, as well as the "EB" logo mark of Eisenwerk Brühl, the German foundry that produced the block casting for Ford-Köln. Many blocks also had the stylized F-K logo cast-in as well.

I am seeking further information and photos about these German G28T series engines, their prefix(s), serial numbers, and format.

More related information on Ford Garage:

  1. For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page.
  2. Model A & B US, British, & Canadian Engine Serial Numbers (VIN Decoder)      
  3. Model B German Ford Köln Industrial Engine Brochure  
  4. Model A Industrial Engine Brochure  
  5. Model A & B 'Diamond' Block and Date Code Engine Markings  
  6. 1928-40 Model A & B Ford England Vehicle Models Chart  
  7. Model A & AA US Body Style Numbers & Body Builders Chart  
  8. Model A Assembly Plant Body Number Decoder  
  9. 1930 Model A Ford Assembly Branch Locations  
  10. Model A, B, & Early V8 Ford Patent Plate & Patent Numbers  
  11. 1932-54 Model B & G28T German Ford Köln Truck Instruction Books  
Do you have some interesting German Serial Number feature to share?
Please click my name below to contact me by email.

December 2016