The following pics show the 1933 and 1934 Ford Model 40 & 46 engine (transmission) rear support assembly. First shown is the typical Ford part number 40-5089-B, and was used on both the four cylinder and V8 Model 40 and 46.
The NOS 40-5089-B suffix mount shown below has the rubber doughnut molded/vulcanized directly to the steel support.
The mount is designed with offset mounting ears located off center so that the mount can be reversed relative to the transmission. Note the clearance holes for the U joint housing bolts on both sides of the molded rubber.
In the four cylinder Model 40 & 46 the mounting ears are biased pointing forward of the mount, whereas in the V8 the ears are biased rearward. This makes up the difference in overall engine length between four cylinder and V8. The four cylinder has the engine pushed rearward as far as possible to make clearance for the fan and the angled radiator core.
The further rearward position of the four cylinder transmission output also results in a unique drive shaft and torque tube length (~ 60-3/16") which is about 1-1/2 inches shorter than the V8 (~ 61-13/16").
There is also a resulting fore-aft difference in the shift tower location being 1-1/2 inches farther rearward on the Model 40/46-4 cylinder chassis compared to the Model 40-V8 chassis.
Note the Firestone 'F' logo in the molded rubber (barely visible in this pic) in the NOS 40-5089-B mount pictured above.
Shown above is a very early 1933 NOS Ford mount, part number 40-5089. This mount had a replaceable rubber doughnut, and was not vulcanized to the steel support like all later V8 era mounts. I believe this two-piece mount and support could also be reversed for use with both the V8 and four cylinder chassis.
Note the Firestone 'F' logo also in the molded rubber.