1931 Model A

Ford Garage

Murray & Briggs S/W Sedan

Roof Drip Rail Differences

The following pictures and comments come courtesy of Ed Saniewski of New Jersey, noting some apparent differences he has found in the roof drip rail (rain gutter) construction between 1931 Murray and Briggs bodied 160B Slant Windshield sedans.

Many thanks to Ed for his permission to post it here! In his words:

I am helping a friend restore his car and we have 2 spare bodies to get parts from. One is a Briggs body and the rain gutter looks like it is placed over, (or on top of) the roof sheet metal.

Pictured above is the straight firewall 160-B body which I believe is Murray built.

On two other 160-B cars in the club, the rain gutter is the same. But on the second spare body, the gutter seems to be recessed into the sheet metal.

Pictured above is a June 1931 indented fire wall Briggs body.

And pictured above is a March 1931 straight fire wall Briggs body. The firewall to gas tank has caged nuts, and the other two Briggs bodies have clinched nuts.

Ed Saniewski
May 2009

Please follow the link below for another page on Ford Garage noting additional differences between Murray and Briggs slant windshield sedan bodies.

More related information on Ford Garage:

  1. For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page.
  2. Model A & AA US Body Style Numbers & Body Builders Chart  
  3. Model A Murray & Briggs Body Differences

May 2009