
Model B

Ford Garage

Zenith Carburetor Float Valve Orifice Details

Model B Zenith carburetors used the B-9564 fuel float level needle valve. Each original float valve was marked with a number to designate the orifice size. The standard Model B valve was a '44'.

The original Ford / Zenith carburetor valve number found stamped on the valve is the orifice size as expressed in 0.05 mm increments. For example, a valve marked number '44' has an orifice diameter of (44)*(0.05) = 2.2 mm = 0.0866 inches.

Zenith made a whole series of carburetors based on the Model B designs and component sets for other manufacturers, and there are a variety of valves found which look similar but which are not the correct size for the Model B.

The correct size float valve is a '44' when used with a fuel pump, while the '54' is correct for gravity-fed carburetors. Significantly different valve sizes may cause fuel delivery problems.

The table below shows the orifice sizes for various original Zenith Model B valves encountered, as well as some replacement valves. Beware of using float valves having opening sizes that are too small.

Model B Zenith Carburetor ~ Valve Orifice Sizes

B-9564 Float Valve Number
Orifice Diameter
Zenith -
Standard Model B
with fuel pump
44 0.0866
Zenith - other apps 45 0.0886
Zenith -
For use on Model A
with gravity feed
54 0.1063
Zenith - other apps 55 0.1093
Stipe - ball type ~ 0.0955

More related information on Ford Garage:

  1. For more Model A & B related information, use the Site Search box at the top or bottom of this page.
  2. Model A & B Zenith Carburetor Jet Sizes & Flow Rates
  3. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Parts Catalog Illustrations
  4. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Assembly Drawings
  5. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Float Details
  6. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Power Jet Circuit
  7. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Power Jet Tube
  8. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Power Jet Tube Instructions
  9. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Catalog Data
  10. Model B & 46 NOS Zenith Carburetor
  11. Model B & 46 Zenith Carburetor Upper Casting Variations

July 2015