Scott Johnstone recently posted this great tech tip on, and graciously allowed it to be posted on Ford Garage as well! Here is his story and pics:
The front spreader bar on my wagon was bent and dented up. I looked around for an original replacement, but they are too pricey. Looked at repros, too thin. Some suggested welding in a new tube, but I don’t weld and would have to pay to get it done.
Well after some procrastination and some thought, I used our shops recently purchased 2-ton press and straightened it out. I put a wood block with holes drilled in them to bolt on the spreader tube, on each end. That allowed me to unbend the spreader evenly.
Next I had to figure out how to pop out the dents. I need to fit whatever I used in past the inside welds. I decided to use 1-inch diameter pipe cut diagonally to form wedges. I got the pipe from Lowes; they sell it in different lengths. I was now able to put the two pipe wedges in and wedge them under the dents.
I used a section of pipe to drive the wedges together to pop out most of the dent. I then went back and used the wedges as a dolly to hammer the dents out.
I am pretty happy with the results.
Keep V-8ing and 4-banging!
Scott Johnstone