
Model A

Ford Garage

Ammeter Nut Tool

The following pics and description were recently posted on fordbarn.com by Tom Wesenberg. Thanks for his permission to post them here, too!

I finally made the tool today that I've been wanting to make for years. I used 3/8" steel rod and using a #22 bit drilled a hole about 3/4" deep for the stud to fit into. The 2 tabs are .065 wide and are curved to match the curved slot in the brass nuts. If you look closely you will see the center of the slot in the brass nuts is deeper than the outer part.

It's very important to keep the studs, nuts and buss bar of the guage clean and tight as this is an important part of the charging circuit.

Here's an easier to make Ammeter Nut Tool below!

I used a 3/8" x 3 1/2" bolt, cross drilled the head for a 2 1/4" piece of 1/8" brass rod. This steel bolt was harder than the steel rod I used for the other tool with the aluminum handle and brass collar.

I spent an hour and used my drill press and lathe with milling attachment.

Tom Wesenberg
March 2009

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