British 1934 Model B

Model A Ford Garage

"Fourteen" Car Instruction Book

This is the Instruction Book for the British 1934 Model B Ford. The 24 H.P. is the large displacement 3.875 inch bore engine, same as the US, and the 14 H.P. is the small displacement 3.055 inch bore engine. Both models are right hand drive. Both Tudor sedans and Fordor sedans were offered.

This instruction book has a June, 1934 printing date. It is similar to the earlier British 1932 Model AB and ABF Instruction Book and the British 1933 Model 14 and 24 H.P. Instruction Book with a few differences.

Click image for a larger view!

In this and later books, the vehicle serial number is identified as located on the pad above the engine water inlet, same as Model A Fords, to comply with British law that the number appear on the engine.

Previous British 1932 instruction books were consistent with all US produced Model B's which have the serial number stamped on a pad on the flywheel housing above the starter motor, and not on the engine block.

This interior picture above has many interesting details including suicide front doors, unique seat frame, and British style hand brake handle.

Also note the 1933-34 style dash panel, not Model B. Note the adjustable crank-out windshield control at the bottom center of the glass as well.

The steering wheel illustration shows a wheel more similar to the 1933-34 USA wheel as opposed to the Model B steering wheel.

Likewise the steering column and ignition lock illustration is more similar to the 1933-34 USA design as opposed to the 1932 USA design.

Shown above is the fuel routing system. Note the unique front and rear skirted fenders on this model. They are basically Model B, but with 1933-34 skirt styling!

Also note the 'strange' front bumper design, something between a Model B and a Model A!

Shown above is the carburetor for the 24 H.P. large bore engine, similar to the US Model B Zenith, but having smaller internal venturi sizes and jet sizes.

Shown above is the unique carburetor for the 14 H.P. small bore engine.

Shown above is the wire routing arrangement and again showing the Model B body and fenders but with the added 1933 style front fender skirts.

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November 2007