German 1933-1934 Ford Köln Model 40

Model A Ford Garage

4 Cylinder Rheinland Car Instruction Book

As indicated in German, this is the Instruktions-Buch Ford 4 Zylinder Type "Rheinland" Personenwagen, built in Germany by Ford-Köln. This is basically the German version of the 1933 Ford Model 40 with a four cylinder engine. The Rheinland was produced from 1933 to 1936.

1934 Ford-Köln "Rheinland" and BB Lastwagen Instruction Book

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This period was the begininng of the strong rise of nationalism in Germany and the beginning of the "Deutsches Erzeugnis" (Product of Germany) marking found on Ford products produced in Germany. A radiator shell emblem is shown above.

Note the two sets of rear brake rods in the pic below.

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Shown above is an interesting water inlet fitting design on the Model B engine. It appears to be a rather long casting with the drain valve mounted directly to the casting.

The casting is connected to the radiator by a single long hose and no lower pipe, whereas the US Model 46 four cylinder cars used a long steel radiator outlet pipe with a hose connection on each end.

The pic above shows the Model A style tail lamp in use. It is mounted on a very tall straight vertical lamp bracket to accommodate the large square-ish German rear license plate.

Also shown is the adjustable bent spoke wheels in the actual car photo. The other tire-changing illustrations are the same as the US and show the typical welded spoke wheels.

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March 2007