For years I've heard people talk about the Ford "Model C" engine, while others have adamantly denied its existence!
Actually, both views are correct when taken in proper context.
When the term "Model C" is raised, people in the US tend to associate that name with a newer or improved Model B engine/car. In that context Ford never made a Model C. The terminology is in the popular culture, but not in the Ford literature.
The sources of this Model C myth seem to derive from a couple of facts at least. First, the 1932 to 1934 B-6050 Model B cylinder head was marked with a large letter "C" cast onto the top center.
The apparent real purpose of this marking was to help dealer stock men easily identify the head from the other similar heads, even though the C-marked head also used a distinguishing three bolt water pump mounting.
Additionally, the crankshaft of the Model B engine was modified in November of 1932 by the addition of integrally forged counterweights and is shown below. This change at the end of the year, and the fact that "C" is a handy acronym for "counterweighted", seems to play a part in some people's beliefs.
Many subsequent 1933 and 1934 crankshafts were also counterweighted, but with the "swaged-on" design counterweights.
There are other theories which attribute the 'Model C' designation to the 1933-1934 Model B engines which had a number of additional differences compared to a 1932 Model B.
The 1933-1934 four cylinder cars (quite rare) were called Model 40-4, the commercials were Model 46, and the trucks were Model BB-4. None were called a 'Model C' by Ford Motor Company.
The distinguishing feature of the 1933-1934 Model 40/46 four cylinder engines was the use of the "short" three bolt waterpump, four blade fan, special generator, crankshaft pulley, and unique timing cover which allowed the fan to be positioned rearward and the radiator leaned back (to accommodate the 1933-1934 hood and grille styling). Essentially everything else was Model B. The relative rarity of those engines also helps fuel the Model C myth.
Pictured above is the cover of the Ford parts catalog of the mythical Model C.
Technically speaking, Ford did make a car they referred to as a Model C from 1934 to 1937, however it shared only a family resemblance to the 1928 to 1934 Model A's and B's we are so familiar with. Virtually no parts were physically interchangeable.
The Model C was a product of Ford Motor Company, Limited, of England. It was more commonly known as the 10 HP Ford "Deluxe" Model C. This car complemented its smaller sibling, the 1932 to 1937 Ford 8hp "Popular" Model Y.
The 1934 to 1937 Ford Model C was a right hand drive car produced in England and sold throughout the British Empire, including Australia and New Zealand. It had a flathead four cylinder engine as well.